Books on San Diego History

4th June
written by Richard

Now on sale

For those of you that I’ve missed so far . . . On Tuesday evening, June 19, I’ll be giving a book talk and signing for The Way We Were in San Diego. It starts at 6:30 at the Clairemont branch library, 2920 Burgener Blvd. Interesting tales and photographs of San Diego history and maybe a good discussion, as well.

20th April
written by Richard

I’m not particularly a fan of e-readers but some people swear by their Kindle or Nook.  And now The Way We Were in San Diego is available as an ebook for $9.95.  Here’s a link for the Kindle version:

And here’s the Nook version from Barnes & Noble:

6th December
written by Richard

Just a reminder.  Tomorrow night at the Central Library I’ll be giving a book talk and signing for The Way We Were in San Diego.  It starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Library.  Interesting tales and photographs of San Diego history and maybe a good discussion, as well.  Book Talk

And by the way, if anyone has the book already feel free to give it a review on Amazon.   It really helps!

21st November
written by Richard

Here’s something for your calendar. On Dec. 7 I”ll be giving a book talk and signing for The Way We Were in San Diego. It starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Library in the third floor floor auditorium.  Since the library is the host, I’ll pay special attention that night to the history of our library and show a lot of historic photographs of the Carnegie and the current Central Library.

Here’s the announcement from the library: 111115_Press_Release_Rick Crawford

San Diego's Carnegie Library


18th November
written by Richard

Here’s an interview I did with The History Press as the Way We Were in San Diego (2011) was going to press. Some of the questions are fun.

1st November
written by Richard

The book is available now. $16.99

and in the stores. Well, bookstores, if you can find one. The Upstart Crow in Seaport Village stocks the book.  So does the SOHO stores in the Whaley House and Marston House. And, of course, there’s Amazon: (Log on and give it a thumbs up!)

I’ll be doing a few author talk/signings in the next couple months. On Nov. 10 I’ll be at the Upstart Crow bookstore: Author Event   On Nov. 17 I’ll be at Save Our Heritage Organisation in the Adobe Chapel on Conde Street in Old Town:  And on Dec. 7 I’ll do an evening book lecture at the Central Library. 

You can also order the book directly from me. Just send me a note at: and I’ll get a signed copy off to you! 


6th October
written by Richard

The Way We Were in San Diego, published by The History Press, will be released on October 18.  This is a compilation of 38 articles that I’ve written for the Union-Tribune.  Here’s an image of the Contents page.

You can pre-order the book now from Amazon.  Or just wait two or three weeks.  We should see it in San Diego by the end of the month.

16th April
written by Richard

Way back in 1995, while in the employ of the San Diego Historical Society, I published a small collection of my stories in Stranger Than Fiction: Vignettes of San Diego History.  The articles were all based on primary sources found in what is now known as the Document Archives of the San Diego History Center. 

It’s a nice collection of stories illustrated by scores of  historical photographs in a book design by artist Jill Berry, who designed the Journal of San Diego History for many years.

Some of the stories have been reworked and expanded for my Union-Tribune column “The Way We Were,” but the original compilation is still in print and available at my book site through

18th December
written by Richard

I have pretty eclectic reading tastes but specializing in San Diego history comes with my job.  I’ll be posting some thoughts here soon on what’s good to read in local history.

Any current favorites from readers?

22nd April
written by Richard

In May 1991, San Diego Union staff writer Roger Showley interviewed nearly a dozen local historians to get their favorite picks for books on local history.   Here’s what the historians suggested . . .

Go to Suggested books on San Diego history
