Archive for August, 2010
San Diego is the rottenest graft ridden city of its size on the American continent. If the Mayor and the Chief of Police don’t know it they ought to be sent to a home for the feeble-minded. If they do know it, they both should be in the penitentiary.
–Abraham Sauer, publisher, San Diego Herald.
In 1925, a San Diego City Councilman was indicted for attempting to bribe developer Ed Fletcher. Read more about The Bribe.
In the early 1900s, tuberculosis killed about 110,000 Americans annually. Without modern antibiotics, the disease was often fatal. To protect children judged at risk from TB because of exposure or poor health, communities sometimes segregated the juveniles in “preventoriums.” Rest Haven, opened in 1920 in east San Diego, was one of the first and last preventoriums for children in the United States.  Read more about The Rest Haven Preventorium.
San Diego today imports about 80% of its water supply. But until 1947 all of our water came from local wells and reservoirs. This article explains how our addiction to outside water supplies began just after World War II: The story of the San Diego Aqueduct.