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1st April
written by Richard

The thrilling and fascinating spectacle of a San Diego-built plane, piloted by a famous army and air mail aviator, racing across the Atlantic Ocean . . . will be witnessed this summer. A contract for the construction of a monoplane for his proposed New York to Paris non-stop flight was awarded to the Ryan Aircraft Company of this city yesterday by Capt. Charles A. Lindbergh. –San Diego Union, March 1, 1927.

Read the story of Lindbergh and San Diego.

Lindbergh prepares to leave San Diego. Photo courtesy of the San Diego Air & Space Museum.


  1. Ken Andersen

    That can’t be far from our store on Dutch Flats!

  2. 05/04/2011

    Not far at all (assuming the writer here is Ken of Andersen’s Nursery). Dutch Flats is often thought to be the site of the Midway post office. –Richard

  3. M. David Dzidzikashvili

    Lindbergh didn’t want to be seated between the hot engine and gas tanks. That’s why the plane gas tank was in the front side and in the wings. Therefore, the plane had no windshield, and periscope instead of it.

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