13th January
A vaudeville act that is without its equal in the world today has been secured for the Grand theater . . . Harry Houdini, the noted handcuff and jail breaker, will give exhibitions of his skill here. –San Diego Union, Oct. 5, 1907
In the fall of 1907, Harry Houdini, soon to be known as the world’s greatest magician and escape artist, came to San Diego to display his skills before crowded theater audiences . . .
The story of Houdini in San Diego.
Very interesting article. Thank you for this. Head over to my blog to see a photo of Harry and Bess Houdini “On our way to San Diego, Calif.”
John Cox writes an excellent blog on Houdini with photos and links to other sources. Check it out: http://www.wildabouthoudini.com/
Ah, thank you very much, Richard. Keep up the great work. 🙂