Archive for October 22nd, 2010
“A big rain is coming,” predicted Henry Cooper, Escondido’s celebrated, amateur weather prognosticator. The Escondido Weather Prophet, as he was known, spoke in early February 1927, predicting a major storm for later in the month. “We shall have copious rains all along the coast,” Cooper declared, “with assured runoff from a heavy mantle of snow in the mountains.”
Read the story of one of San Diego’s biggest rain years: the Flood of 1927.
The flagship of the Pacific Squadron arrived unexpectedly in San Diego in late December 1891. “Our presence is probably a surprise to you,” said the ship’s captain, Rear Admiral George Brown. “We were ordered to San Diego and here we are. We shall take on about 250 tons of coal and will then be on waiting orders.”
Within days, Brown’s ship was joined by another cruiser, the USS Charleston. The ships would spend the next six weeks in San Diego.
The story of the White Squadron.
“I didn’t steal it,” declared Senator Fletcher with ruffled dignity. “But there were threats of lawsuit and an injunction, so with a gang of men, a derrick and a truck, I took quick action, and possession is nine points of the law.”
The story of San Diego’s famed “Stolen” Cabrillo Statue.